Tuesday 1 October 2013

CLR Fundamentals






































  Demo for .NET IL program via Command window

















  Use of IL-DASM to see .NET assembly code










  Use of Reflector too to see .NET code
















  Demo for JIT compilation via Command window



































CLR Compaction in Action





































 Assemblies and Versioning

















Demo of Assembly Qualified name




























 DEMO of Simple(UnSigned) Assembly Resolution




















  To give explicit permission to CLR to look the Assembly at our desired location




















DEMO of Strong(Signed) Assembly Resolution



































  Demo of Version Policy


























































 Demo of Strong Name Validation











 Edit some binary content over there

GAC checks strong name assembly validation at the time of installation via "gacutil"

Win32 and COM Interop










 Demo of P/Invoke for font smoothing










 P/Invoke Error Handling



















Demo of RCW

























 .NET VS will automatically import type library from COM component when we add it via Reference



































































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