Tuesday 22 October 2013

IIS - Internet Information Server for Developers

IIS Setup

History of IIS

In windows 2000, IIS 5 was installed by default.

But in the case of windows 2003, IIS 6 was not installed as a default component in the system.  Here site owner can select the version of .NET Framework which would reply with proper contents back to users' request.

In windows 2008, IIS 7 and IIS 7.5 was broken up into many sub components.  This may reduce security vulnerability of user request by selecting appropriate components for specific services of server.

Installing IIS Via Server Manager

To install the latest MS Components via Web Platform Installer

Adding SSL Certificates

There are three things Browser will check when user makes HTTPS request based on certificate

  • Certificate date in range

  • Is this trusted certificate authority(Public key infrastructure)

  • Host name checking

SSL Wildcard sertificates






  Wildcard certificate will be used to for multisub domain sites








IIS Configuration




 Web config and IIS configs are interchangeable via Feature delegates























 Based on below settings Application can read and Web.config can set the settings






 Application pools













 Manage IIS





















 Log parser tool to analyze logs






 Powershell for IIS Management

Web Deployment tool for IIS

Deployment command to copy website from one IIS location to another IIS location via Web Deployment command

Web Deployment push from VS

IIS Extensions





 Installing Web Extensions from IIS site





 Installing IIS Extensions from Web Platform Installer








IIS Express




 Installing IIS Express




















 To view the IIS Express log and config files





 Configure for HTTPS site under IIS Express

Browser fails to load page because localhost certificate expires



IIS 8 - What's New




 IIS 8 Setup










 Application Initialization

W3Wp process starts immediately when we restart IIS




Server Name Indication (SNI)

Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol[1] that indicates what hostname the client is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process. This allows a server to present multiple certificates on the same IP address and port number and hence allows multiple secure (HTTPS) websites (or any other Service over TLS) to be served off the same IP address without requiring all those sites to use the same certificate. It is the conceptual equivalent to HTTP/1.1 virtual hosting for HTTPS.

To make use of SNI practical, it is necessary that the vast majority of users use web browsers that support it. Users whose browsers do not support SNI will be presented with a default certificate and hence are likely to receive certificate warnings, unless the server is equipped with a wildcard certificate that matches the name of the website. 

Normal SSL feature to allow install and use single Certificate in IIS, because certificate tied with Local web server IP address.













 CPU Throttling in Application pool of IIS





Web socket support in IIS 8



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