Web Technologies

HTML5 Fundamentals

HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web and a core technology of the Internet. It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard(created in 1990 and standardized as HTML 4 as of 1997)[2] and, as of December 2012, is a candidate recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).[3] Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers, etc.). HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but also XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML.[2]

Before HTML 5

After HTML 5

DOM Selection

HTML 5 Javascript Selection Method

CSS3 Selection method



To display fallback content on browser

Scripted Media controls


Canvas is drawing surface where we can draw and manipulate picture elements

Canvas Animation

Drag and Drop

HTML5 Advanced Topics


Fundamentals of HTML5 : Offline Applications














































































 Manual and Automatic Updates


















 Always On Journal Application
















































 Fundamentals of HTML5 : Geolocation












































































 Fundamentals of HTML5 : Web Storage

























 DEMO: Local Web Storage















































































  Fundamentals of HTML5 : Web Workers













































































































  Fundamentals of HTML5 : Web Sockets





























































































  Fundamentals of HTML5 : Microdata














































































CSS 3 From Scratch


Style Sheets Introduction


















































Nested Tags







































































 Inheritance and Cascading

































 Application to the Page


Serif Fonts are useful for paragraph content.  San Serif fonts are useful for paragraph heading and MonoSpacing fonts are useful for Coding.


















 WEB Fonts











































































































































































Selector Grouping








Attribute Selectors





Pseudo Classes




 Pseudo Elements











































  Transitions controls the visual impact of particular controls





















Media Queries










































Resources of CSS







 JavaScript Fundamentals


 Introduction to JavaScript












 Example of Application in JavaScript




 Library for Animation in JavaScript












 JavaScript Web Services and Tools




 This tool comes with REPL(Read, Eval, Print and Loop)













 The Building Blocks of JavaScript Programs


































  For people new to the subject, a good way to remember what null means is to remember that in terms of information, "lack of a value" is not the same thing as "a value of zero"; similarly, "lack of an answer" is not the same thing as "an answer of no". For example, consider the question "How many books does Juan own?" The answer may be "zero" (we know that he owns none) or "null" (we do not know how many he owns, or doesn't own). In a database table, the column reporting this answer would start out with a value of null, and it would not be updated with "zero" until we have ascertained that Juan owns no books.




















Help Source of JavaaScript











































































  Function Overloading Example in JavaScript
















































 Control Flow























































































Typesand Libraries




































































 In this above example Sort function allowing option parameter which will return 0 value for equal, +Value for needs to swapped and -value for right sequence.













































































Floor - The floor() method rounds a number DOWNWARDS to the nearest integer, and returns the result.

Ceil   - rounded upwards to the nearest integer














FireBug Tool - JavaScript Debugging Tool

Testing JavaScript























































































 JQuery Fundamentals













































































Using jQuery Selectors


























 DEMO of Jquery Selector


























































































Interacting with the DOM













































































































 Handling Events



















Event handling Old method





 Event handling New method


To view the Jquery Source code:











































































































































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