Saturday 31 August 2013

HTTP Fundamentals



HTTP Resources 


Uniform Resource Locator (URL)






















 Browser return below content from server to display for user






 HTTP Vs IIS Server

IIS server will look at incoming HTTP request on server and return content from physical location of server where it is installed.

IIS Web Server DEMO





 Ports, Queries and Fragments


DEMO of QueryString

URL Encoding

Commonly Encoded Values for UnSafe Characters

Content Types

Content Negotiation DEMO

HTTP Messages


 Manual Request












DEMO of POST HTTP request

If we refresh this page again 

DEMO of GET HTTP Request































 The tool Fiddler is used to look Request and Response contents





 HTTP Connections

DEMO of HTTP Connections

The tool WireShark is used to TCP/IP Handshaking between client and Server

Evolution of HTTP

Old Browser is using Serial connection HandShaking Mechanism

Modern Browsers using parallel connection Handshaking mechanism

Modern browsers are using Persistent Connection mechanism in Modern browsers


Here, Single connection will be used for subsequent request and responses of browser. this is server depends.


Look at the connection close header response to indicate that connection closed at server side







Modern browsers are also using Pipe line Connection mechanism in Modern browsers




  HTTP Architecture 

Proxies Servers

If company wants to prohibit Twitter then proxy redirect to BIN





 Reverse Proxy can do many services for company, like load balancing, compressing and etc.







  Settings to check proxy at local machine





























 DEMO of Caching





 Some Responses with Private Caching





Some responses with No Caching options




  HTTP Security


Http is stateless protocol, that means for every request will have response from server and both the client and server will forget about transactions





 Below listed Server side methods are available ASP.NET application programming model to save state between Server and Client transactions.






 Cookies for State Management system

Cookies is client side state management mechanism to store information about HTTP Transactions.










 Tracing Sessions and HTTP Only with the help of Cookies






























 Cookies(Session Cookies is Non persistence), Domains and Persistence


Below is non persistence cookie HTTP response.




 Persistence cookie HTTP Response.







  DEMO of Basic Authentication

Take the Basic Authorization information as below

Use below site to decrypt Basic Authorization information which we copied in our previous page

Here Digest authentication is like Basic Authentication, but in digest authentication use Advanced Encryption algorithm which is specified by server.

Chrome browser will be asking to provide user name and password via windows authentication

But IE will not ask user name and password directly instead it will take automatically from current system login identity by setting below settings.

There are two different authentication mechanism in Form based authentication.  that is Secured(HTTPS) and Unsecured(HTTP) protocols.  In HTTPS authentication our credentials would be encrypted based on certificates.

Open ID is centralized authentication mechanism now a days.  At present applications are not ready to store and manage user credentials instead they are dealing with third party credential providers to get the user credentials to manage users' login.

Secure HTTP

HTTPS authentication mechanism is used to in form based authentication method to encrypt request and response messages. 



























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