Thursday 30 May 2013

SharePoint 2010 Development Basics Part 1

SharePoint Development Fundamentals

     Development in SharePoint is an interesting hybrid of several Microsoft technologies and styles of development. For example, when you build a custom web part or custom application page in SharePoint, it will feel very similar to creating a web part or web page with ASP.NET. This may make you think that SharePoint development is just like ASP.NET development. But just when you are feeling confident, you hit the barrier of packaging and deployment. To deploy that web part or web page, you will have to use SharePoint’s packaging and deployment system, which is a system that uses custom XML files to define what SharePoint calls “features.” Those features are packaged with their associated files into a .WSP file (basically a CAB file renamed to .WSP). Finally, you must run a command line tool on the SharePoint server to process the WSP file and install the web part or web page.

     If you want to customize the behavior of a SharePoint list, development in SharePoint begins to feel more like the customization of a rich client application such as Office. You create a .NET assembly that handles a set of events raised by a particular SharePoint list. You interact with SharePoint’s object model much like Office customizations interact with the Office object model. Then you use SharePoint’s packaging and deployment system to install your .NET assembly.

     If you want to create a custom SharePoint list, a custom content type, or a site definition, development in SharePoint begins to feel like declarative programming. SharePoint has a custom XML language called CAML, which is used to define key objects such as lists, columns, and content types. 

     If you want to develop custom workflows in SharePoint, another Microsoft technology must be learned—the Windows Workflow Foundation. SharePoint’s workflow features are often used to automate workflow that people participate in for items in a list or even workflow that occurs at a site level. If you have worked with workflow, this will feel familiar to you—it is yet another style of development used within SharePoint. Typically your workflow also interacts with the SharePoint object model to get interesting things to happen.

     SharePoint can feel like ASP.NET at times, like event-driven customizations at other times, like declarative programming, like workflow programming, and like code focused on automating an object model at other times. This can make SharePoint programming difficult—you have to get comfortable with many styles of programming to get interesting things done.

SharePoint Setup Instructions:

A Visual Studio View of SharePoint: The Server Explorer

We’ve now seen a view of SharePoint content and settings through the lens of what you can do in SharePoint in the web user interface. We’ve also seen a view of SharePoint through the lens of the Site Administration tools. Our final view of SharePoint for this chapter will be through the lens of Visual Studio. We will use Visual Studio to take a closer look at the top-level site that was created when SharePoint was installed as well as the new child site and content we have created in this chapter.

The SharePoint features in Visual Studio require administrator privileges so Visual Studio must be run as an administrator. To launch Visual Studio as an administrator, locate the “Microsoft Visual Studio 2010” shortcut in the Start menu under All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Right click on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 shortcut. You can choose “Run as administrator” from the context menu that appears to run Visual Studio as an administrator.

Alternatively, if you just want to make Visual Studio start up with administrator privileges every time you launch it, you can change the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 shortcut properties to always run as administrator. To do this, right click on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 shortcut and choose Properties. Click the Compatibility tab as shown in Figure 1-70. Then check the “Run this program as an administrator” check box and press OK.

Now use the modified Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 shortcut or the “Run as administrator” command in the context menu to launch Visual Studio with administrator privileges. Once Visual Studio starts, use the View menu and choose Server Explorer to show the Server Explorer window. Visual Studio 2010 lets you browse the structure of a SharePoint site using the Server Explorer window. Expand the SharePoint Connections node and expand the subnode under that to see the contents of the SharePoint server on your developer machine as shown in Figure 1-71. In Figure 1-71 we have also expanded the Sites subnode to show the child site we created called “My Child Site.” The Sites subnode shows any child sites for the SharePoint sites.

Visual Studio’s Server Explorer view surfaces a lot of the content and structure of a SharePoint site that is of interest to a developer. Consider the nodes under the Team Site node (our top-level site in our site collection). There are seven subnodes displayed by Visual Studio: ContentTypes, Features, List Templates, Lists and Libraries, Sites, Workflow Associations, and Workflow Templates. We’ve already seen the Sites subnode in Figure 1-71. Let’s consider the rest of these subnodes in turn.


     Visual Studio displays all the 52 content types that are installed by default on a SharePoint site as shown in Figure 1-72. Figure 1-73 shows the properties window that is displayed when you select one of the content types in Server Explorer. If the Properties window isn’t visible, use the View menu to display the Properties window. The Properties window shows key properties of the content type. Note that the properties in the Properties window are all read-only, you can’t directly modify the server with the server explorer. Also, when you expand the content type in Server Explorer, you will be able to see the fields associated with the content type as shown in Figure 1-74.


     The next sub node displayed in the Server Explorer under the SharePoint site is the Features node. If you expand this node, you can see all 33 features that are installed in the SharePoint site by default as shown in Figure 1-75. You can see by this list that SharePoint features aren’t just created by third-party developers—the implementation of SharePoint itself uses features built into the system. This is extremely useful as you learn SharePoint development because you can look at the features that are part of a standard SharePoint installation and learn how to build your own features. As before, when you click on a feature node in the Server Explorer, the Properties window shows additional information about the node as shown in Figure 1-76. In this case, one interesting property to point out is the FeatureDefinitionScope property that shows that the Announcement Lists feature is defined at the Farm level, which means it is available to sites running in the farm.

List Templates:

     The next subnode displayed in Server Explorer is the List Templates node as shown in Figure 1-77. Below the node are the various list templates that are installed in the SharePoint site. These templates can be used to create new lists. Figure 1-78 shows the Properties window that is displayed for the Announcements list template. In this case, an interesting property to point out is the FeatureId property. This indicates that the list template was installed as part of a feature. If you compare the DefinitionId property for the Announcements Lists feature in Figure 1-76 with the FeatureId property in Figure 1-78 you can see that it matches. This lets you know that the Announcements list template was installed by the Announcements Lists feature as you might expect.

Lists and Libraries:

The Server Explorer also shows the lists and libraries that have been created in a SharePoint site. If you expand the Lists and Libraries subnode under the SharePoint site, you will see the Document Libraries subnode with document libraries below it and the Lists subnode with lists below it. This view shows not only the Shared Documents library but also all the galleries as document libraries (Figure 1-79)—the Galleries we have seen in this chapter are really just special document libraries. It also shows the lists that are created by default in a SharePoint site. When you expand a document library or list, you can see additional nodes associated with the list or library. In Figure 1-80, you can see the fields associated with the Announcements list. You can also see that there are two Views associated with the list and no Workflow Associations have been made with the list.

Workflow Associations and Templates:

Figure 1-81 shows the final two subnodes in the Server Explorer. The Workflow Associations node shows any workflow associations that have been made in the site. The Workflow Templates node shows any workflow templates that are installed in the site. We will consider workflow in more detail in Chapter 8, “SharePoint Workflow.”

Introduction SharePoint development in VS 2010

Table 2-1. SharePoint Project Types
Project Type
Empty SharePoint Project
An empty SharePoint project; as with all projects in this table, you can add and remove arbitrary SharePoint item types once they are created.
Visual Web Part
A SharePoint project prepopulated with a visual web part project item; web parts are controls written using ASP.NET that users can place in a SharePoint web part page.
Sequential Workflow
A SharePoint project prepopulated with a Sequential Workflow project item; when you create a workflow, you are writing a program that is structured as a multistep process that may be long running, waiting for humans or external systems to complete tasks or other processes before continuing. A sequential workflow proceeds in a linear top-to-bottom fashion.
State Machine Workflow
Business Data Connectivity Model
A SharePoint project prepopulated with a Business Data Connectivity Model project item; a business data connectivity model allows you to define a data model and code that lets you integrate external data into SharePoint.
Event Receiver
A SharePoint project prepopulated with an Event Receiver project item; an event receiver handles events that are raised by lists and other key objects in SharePoint. For example, an event receiver could execute custom code when a new item is added to a SharePoint list.
List Definition
A SharePoint project prepopulated with a List Definition project item; a list definition defines the schema of a list along with other things that define the list, such as views and forms used by the list.
Content Type
A SharePoint project prepopulated with a Content Type project item; a content type defines the schema for an item in a list—examples of content types in SharePoint include the Contact content type and the Announcement content type. Content types can also be associated with document libraries, allowing you to create a specialized document type, such as an expense report content type complete with a document template, such as an Excel workbook or Word document, to be used when a new expense report is created.
A SharePoint project prepopulated with a Module project item; a module is used when creating deployments to provision the SharePoint site with one or more files that are needed by a solution—for example, you might use this to deploy a custom document to a document library or some other custom resource like an image file or an application page.
Site Definition
A SharePoint project prepopulated with a Site Definition project item; a site definition is a template that is used when creating a new SharePoint site and defines all the initial content in that site—for example, the subsites that we saw in Chapter 1Table 1-7 are all backed by custom site definitions.
Import Reusable Workflow
A SharePoint project created by importing a workflow that was initially created in SharePoint Designer.
Import SharePoint Solution Package
A SharePoint project created by importing a .WSP SharePoint Solution Package exported from SharePoint or SharePoint Designer.

Table 2-3. SharePoint Project Item Types
Project Item Type

Application Page
An ASP.NET web page that is displayed within a SharePoint site

Business Data Connectivity Model
A business data connectivity model allows you to define a data model and code that lets you integrate external data into SharePoint.

Content Type

Empty Element
An empty element is used to create a SharePoint project item that has a single XML file called Elements.xml associated with it. In this file you can define SharePoint elements that aren’t natively supported yet by Visual Studio, such as a site column for a list. This element can then be referenced by other project items and installed with the rest of the solution.

Event Receiver
An event receiver handles events that are raised by lists and other key objects in SharePoint. For example, an event receiver could execute custom code when a new item is added to a SharePoint list.

List Definition
A list definition defines the schema of a list along with other things that define the list, such as views and forms used by the list.

List Definition from Content Type
Allows you to create a list definition based on a content type already in the project or on the local SharePoint server

List Instance
A list instance allows you to create an instance of a list as part of your solution; for example, you could have a project with a custom list definition called Expense Reports and two instances of that list, one called “International Expense Reports” and one called “Domestic Expense Reports.”

A module is used when creating deployments to provision the SharePoint site with one or more files that are needed by a solution—for example, you might use this to deploy a custom document to a document library or some other custom resource (e.g., an image file or an application page). A module has an Elements.xml file that you can edit to specify the file or files associated with the module.

Sequential Workflow
A multistep process that can be long running, waiting for humans or external systems to complete tasks or other processes before continuing. A sequential workflow proceeds in a linear top-to-bottom fashion.

State Machine Workflow
A state machine workflow uses concepts such as states, events, and transitions to model more complex business processes with multiple possible paths through the workflow.

User Control
User controls are ASP.NET controls that can be deployed and reused by application pages or web parts. For example, you might create a custom user control that provides a drop-down control with custom behavior you want to reuse in several application pages and web parts.

Visual Web Part
Web parts are controls written using ASP.NET that users can place in a SharePoint web part page. The Visual Web Part project gives you a user control that you can visually edit combined with a class deriving from ASP.NET’s web part class that hosts the user control.

Web Part
Web parts are controls written using ASP.NET that users can place in a SharePoint web part page. The Web Part project does not use ASP.NET user controls or the visual designer for an ASP.NET user control; instead it has you edit a class deriving from ASP.NET’s web part class.

Sandboxed Solutions versus Farm Solutions:

Early in the project creation process, Visual Studio asks you to decide between using a sandboxed solution or a farm solution. It is worth considering in more detail the difference between a sandboxed solution and a farm solution and when to choose one over the other.

Prior to SharePoint 2010, all solutions you could create were farm solutions. In Chapter 1 we saw that SharePoint solutions are deployed to a farm that could consist of one to many servers. Each server in the farm can have multiple web applications running on it. A web application can in turn have one or more site collections, and a site collection has one or more sites. Farm solutions can impact the entire SharePoint system and are available to all site collections and sites in the farm. This is sometimes desirable, but sometimes can have undesired effects because a farm solution that is misbehaving can impact all sites and site collections in the system.

In SharePoint 2010, you can create a new type of solution called a sandboxed solution. Sandboxed solutions are deployed at the site collection level rather than the farm level, so this lets you isolate a solution so it is only available to one site collection within the farm. Sandboxed solutions also run in a separate process from the main SharePoint IIS web application process, and the separate process is throttled and monitored with quotas to protect the SharePoint site from becoming unresponsive due to a misbehaving sandboxed solution.

It is worth mentioning that sandboxed solutions solve an organizational problem as well—in many organizations it is difficult to get permission to install a farm solution because of the possible impact that could have on the SharePoint system. System administrators in charge of running a SharePoint site have been reluctant in the past to allow custom solutions to run on their sites. With the advent of SharePoint 2010, there is now a robust system in place to monitor and throttle these custom solutions so that system administrators don’t have to worry about a custom solution bringing the entire SharePoint site down. In addition, with sandboxed solutions, users can upload solutions without requiring administrator approval.

Mapped Folders, Deployment, and the Hive:

     Mapped folders give you a way to take resources and other files in your project and add them to folders in the Visual Studio project that are mapped to file system locations where those files need to be deployed on the SharePoint server. For example, imagine you have an application page you have developed that needs to deploy a file to the SharePoint server’s images folder. To do this you would right click on the Project node and choose Add, then SharePoint Images Folder. This creates a mapped folder in the project called Images. Any folders you add to the images folder will be created on disk (if they aren’t already there) and the contents of those folders will be copied to the SharePoint server’s images folder when the project is deployed.

     It is time for another aside regarding SharePoint terminology. We’ve just implied that SharePoint has an images folder—what is this and what other special folders does SharePoint have? When you build a deployment for SharePoint you build a SharePoint package, which is basically a CAB file (like a ZIP file if you aren’t familiar with the CAB format) that has in it a set of files and instructions that are used to install your SharePoint solution. The instructions are encapsulated in one or more SharePoint Feature files, which consist of XML markup that is read at install time. A special program called stsadm.exe takes the SharePoint package file (which is a CAB file with a .WSP extension) and reads the SharePoint feature files in the package to determine how to install the SharePoint solution. These SharePoint feature files in turn can refer to additional files that are packaged within the SharePoint package. Stsadm.exe then does two major things—it adds information to the SharePoint content database and it copies files to the file system. So a SharePoint solution typically modifies the SharePoint content and configuration databases and adds files to the file system of the SharePoint server machine.

     There are three general locations where SharePoint copies files to the file system of the server during deployment. 

     The first location is the global assembly cache of the server machine. Solutions that have assemblies that need full trust will copy to this directory when Assembly Deployment Target is set to GlobalAssemblyCache

     The second location is directories specific to a web application. One of those web application-specific directories is the bin directory. This is where assemblies are deployed if you set the Assembly Deployment Target property to WebApplication. To determine where the web application directory is, launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) manager on the SharePoint server (use the search box in the Start menu to search for it). Once you’ve launched the IIS manager, expand the Sites folder and find the web application you are interested in—in a default install it will be called SharePoint -80. Right click on the SharePoint -80 node, and pick Explore from the context menu. This will open the base directory for your web application. Of interest here are several directories and files you may use. The web.config file is used to configure ASP.NET specific settings—you have to modify this file for some SharePoint development scenarios we will see later in this book. The bin folder is the bin directory associated with the web application where assemblies are sometimes deployed. There are other directories here that are used for web part development, such as the wpresources folder.

     The third location of interest for deployment is known in the SharePoint developer world as the hive, which is the location on disk where SharePoint installs feature definitions, site definitions, and other content used to provision the web site. SharePoint builds on its own extensibility model—many of the features in the SharePoint web site correspond to actual files you can inspect and learn from in these directories. The hive can be found at Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14

     When you add a mapped folder in Visual Studio by right clicking on the Project node and choosing Add, then SharePoint Mapped Folder which lets you view all the folders in the hive to which you might want to deploy items. We have expanded the TEMPLATE folder, which is the main place to which you will deploy items. In this folder, you can see there is an IMAGES folder, where you can deploy arbitrary images you want to use from web parts or application pages. There are other directories as well—for example, the SiteTemplates folder, where you install Site Definitions files and the LAYOUTS folder, where you can find the master page being used for the SharePoint server. You will typically create a subdirectory within the LAYOUTS folder if you want to install your own application pages. 

Format of the Elements.xml File:

     The first file to consider is the Elements.xml file. This is sometimes referred to as an Element Manifest file, and is an XML file that contains information that describes the SharePoint item being created to SharePoint, in this case an event receiver. Behind the scenes, Visual Studio will refer to this Elements.xml file in a feature file it has created. The feature file in turn is contained by a package—a package can contain one or more features. When Visual Studio deploys the package, each feature file and associated Elements.xml file will be copied to the SharePoint server. SharePoint will read the feature file that will refer to the Elements.xml file. The Elements.xml file, as we will see, in turn refers to event handlers defined in an assembly. Once SharePoint has read the feature file and associated Elements.xml and assembly files, it can make the feature available for activation in the SharePoint site. We will consider the Visual Studio project support for features and packages in more detail later in this chapter, “Packaging and Deployment.” Note that in this diagram, one feature has custom code associated with it represented by a .NET assembly. It is possible for multiple features to use code written within the same assembly.

Features and Packages in a Visual Studio Project

     We’ve now explored the properties and files that are associated with a new SharePoint project item. We’ve seen the Elements.xml file, the code file associated with an event receiver, and the properties associated with each of these files and the root EventReceiver1 folder for the SharePoint project item.

     You may have noticed that when we added the event receiver project item to our blank solution, some new items appeared under the Features folder. Let’s examine the Features and Package folders in the SharePoint project to start to get an idea of what Visual Studio does to package and deploy our SharePoint solution.


     Just to make things a little more interesting, let’s create a second event receiver. Follow the steps we did earlier in the chapter to create a second event receiver called EventReceiver2. For the second event receiver, choose List Item Events as the type of event receiver to create, use Calendar as the event source, and handle the event when an item is being added.
Now double click on the project item called Feature1 under the Features folder. The Visual Studio Feature designer appears. Note that we now have two event receivers in our solution, EventReceiver1 and EventReceiver2, and Feature1 is configured to install both event receivers.

     It is possible to add features to the Features folder. For example, maybe you want EventReceiver1 and EventReceiver2 to be deployed as separate features. You could create a separate feature called “Feature2” and install EventReceiver1 in Feature1 and EventReceiver2 in Feature2. Doing this would enable the event receivers to be installed and uninstalled separately. Another reason you might need to have separate features is when you have SharePoint project items you want to deploy that need to be installed at a different scope. If you drop down the Scope drop-down, you can see that a feature can be installed to one of four scopes: Farm, Site (the Site Collection Level), Web (the Site level), and WebApplication (all sites hosted by an IIS web application). Due to historical reasons, SharePoint sometimes uses the word Site to refer to a Site Collection and Web to refer to a SharePoint Site.

     Let’s create a second feature by right clicking on the Features folder and choosing Add Feature. A new Feature called Feature2 is created. In the Feature designer that will appear for Feature2, click on the EventReceiver2 SharePoint item and click the > button to move the feature from the left-hand list to the right-hand list. Then back in the Feature1 designer, ensure that EventReceiver2 is not installed by Feature1 by clicking on EventReceiver2 and pressing the < button to move it from the right-hand list to the left-hand list. The resulting Feature1 designer is shown. This shows that Feature1 will now install only EventReceiver1 not EventReceiver2. The right-hand list contains the features that will be installed; the left-hand list contains other items in the solution that have not been added to this feature.

     The Files outline shows the actual files that will be included in the feature to install the associated SharePoint project item. In this case, you can see that the Elements.xml file will be included. The assembly built with the current project is also implicitly included in the feature, even though it doesn’t show in this designer.Also, at the bottom of the dialog you can now see the Feature Activation Dependencies area of the Feature designer. Here you can add dependencies that your feature has on other features in the solution or on other features that must be installed in advance to the SharePoint site where this feature will be installed. For example, you might have a situation in which you’ve created two features in your solution but Feature1 needs Feature2 to be installed first. Let’s enforce this constraint. Click the Add... button in the Feature Activation Dependencies area for Feature1 to specify that Feature2 is a dependency. When you click the Add... button, . If you click the feature SharePointProject1.Feature2 and then press the Add button, Feature2 will be added to the list of Feature Activation Dependencies for Feature1.

     You also might want to add a dependency on another custom or built-in SharePoint feature. For example, you might need to ensure that the Announcement Lists feature is installed on the SharePoint site because your event receiver modifies or creates announcement lists. If announcement lists are not there, your event receiver will fail. lets you add dependencies to SharePoint features not in your solution by specifying the Feature ID of the feature on which you are dependent. you can use the Server Explorer and the Properties window to determine the Feature ID for a particular feature. This ID could be added as a custom dependency for our Feature1.

Package Designer:

     Features in a project are useless unless they are deployed into what is called a Package or a .WSP file. Visual Studio helps you configure the Package created by your solution with the Package Designer. To see the Package Designer, double click on the Package.package project item under the Package folder in your solution.

     When you first open the designer it won’t exactly because Visual Studio will automatically place both features we created into the items to install in the package that is created by the project. We used the < button to remove Feature2 from the package because we don’t really want to install EventReceiver2 since we have no code added to it yet. Each project can build only one package, but you can have a package created by other projects in your solution. Visual Studio also lets you mix and match where features come from—that is, a feature can come from Project1 in a solution but be installed by the Package built by Project2.  If you click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the Package Designer, options are provided to add additional assemblies to the package—either assemblies created by other projects in the solution or additional external assemblies. 


So we now have a SharePoint solution with two event receivers: EventReceiver1 and EventReceiver2, two features: Feature1 and Feature2, and one package: Package.package. Feature1 includes EventReceiver1, Feature2 includes EventReceiver2, but Package.package only includes Feature1, so the EventReceiver2 will not be packaged or installed. If we build currently, we will get a missing dependency error because we made Feature2 a dependency for Feature1 and Feature2 is not currently being packaged. Use the Feature designer’s Feature Activation Dependencies area for Feature1 to remove the dependency on Feature2 by clicking the Remover button.

     We are now ready to build our project in preparation for running and debugging it. When you build the project by choosing Build Solution from the Build menu, the Output window indicates pretty much what you would expect—it says that a DLL has been built in the Debug folder of your project called SharePointProject1.dll. When we go to the bin\debug directory for the project in Windows Explorer, you will see the DLL and the PDB for the DLL, which contains debugging information. If you package the project by choosing Package from the Build menu, you will see something a little different. You will now find in addition to the DLL and PDB files, there is a .WSP file. This is the SharePoint package file that the Feature and Package Designer helped us to create.

     Let’s look at the .WSP file in a little more detail. Click the SharePointProject1.wsp file in the bin\debug folder of your project. Copy the SharePointProject1.wsp then Paste to make a copy of the .WSP file. Rename its extension from .WSP to .CAB. Remember we said that a .WSP file was actually a .CAB file? Now that we’ve renamed it to a .CAB file, you should be able to double click on it and see the contents of the .WSP file.

     As you can see, there are 4 files inside the .WSP file: Elements.xml, Feature.xml, manifest.xml, and the assembly created by our project (a copy of the one we saw in the debug directory). Let’s look at the contents of these files briefly. Drag Elements.xml, Feature.xml, and manifest.xml out of the renamed .CAB file to your desktop.

     Manifest.xml is shown and is the top-level manifest for the .WSP file. It tells about any assemblies included in the package (in this case SharePointProject1.dll). Additional assemblies could be included if you use the Advanced page of the Package Designer to add additional project or external assemblies. Manifest.xml also lists any features contained in the Package, in this case Feature1. You can see what manifest.xml will look like within Visual Studio by double clicking on the Package.package project item to show the Package Designer then clicking on the Manifest button at the bottom of the Package Designer. 


     Now that we’ve built our project and created the .WSP file, let’s debug our solution. To debug the solution, press F5 or choose Run from the Debug menu. Now we see much more activity in the Output window. The Build phase does what we saw before—compiles a DLL from any code in the project and builds a package. Then in Deploy several things of interest happen. First, there are some steps to Retract the previous version of the solution. This is so the edit code, run, edit code and run again cycle will work. Visual Studio automatically removes the package and features you installed on your last debug session before deploying your updated package to ensure that you will always have the most recent version of your solution on the server and that the old one won’t conflict with the new one. You can also manually Retract a solution from the Server using the Retract command from the Build menu—for example, if you want to ensure that the Server you were testing on doesn’t have your solution on it when you are done.

     The next thing that Visual Studio does is deploy your .WSP file to the server—the equivalent of using stsadm.exe on the .WSP file at the command line. This installs the package, but there is also a second step after installation called activation. An installed solution is still not active for the web site. Visual Studio also activates the features in the solution to ensure they are installed and active on the web site. Visual Studio will also do an IIS Application Pool recycle if necessary—this ensures that the most current version of the site is running with your new solution installed on it. Finally, Visual Studio launches the site URL in a browser window.

Sunday 26 May 2013

SharePoint Architecture for Developers

SharePoint Architecture for Developers

ASP.NET WEB.Config file in SharePoint:

ASP.NET Global.asax file in SharePoint:

Viewing and Creating Application and Site Pages:

14 Hive which holds App and Site pages: